Saturday, October 20, 2012

An Introduction to My Plethora of Pets

Alright, to begin with, I’d like to introduce my pets to you guys. First, is my dog, Angel. She's a Cockapoo. We've had her since I was five- basically since I can remember. 

 Second, is our other dog, Gizmo, a Border Collie. He passed July 16th, 2012. He got hit by a car and had to be put down. We found him Easter Day, 2011 when we were camping. The vet decided he was less than a week old when we originally found him. 
This picture was taken four days after we found him. 

This is one of the last pictures taken of him.

And then, the Geckos. 

My First Gecko, Illeash (I'm weird, yes. It's pronounced Eye-Lee-Ash)
For those of you that care, she is a Crested Gecko. Her morph is 'Tiger Flame' ( I'm pretty sure, anyways ). I bought her four years ago for $65.

After having Illeash for a year or two, we decided we needed to have another gecko. We loved her and thought it would be awesome to have another. ( It's a condition called 'Gecko Fever' or something ;) ) So, we bought Sauron (Originally named Red Green, someone mentioned one of her eyes looked sort of like the eye of Sauron, so, we changed the name. ) We bought her two years ago for $30. Her morph is 'Buckskin Dalmation' Unfortunately, this is my only photo of her. Hmm.

Next is Ozzy, my other gecko. ( Named her after Ozzy Osbourne ) Her morph is 'Chocolate Harlequin.' I bought her two years ago for $35 a day after we purchased Sauron.

Apparently, we caught the 'fever' pretty bad, cause a few months after buying the two cheaper females, we purchased out first for-sure male.       ( Females are more expensive, the least expensive of the three are the undetermined ones, which the first three were. However, they all turned out to be female. Yay us ^_^ ) His name is Vladimir, his morph is 'Halloween Harlequin' meaning he's essentially a designer morph. He cost us a hefty $73.

At the same time we purchased Vladimir, we bought two more geckos for my cousins that had taken a liking to my little creatures. June of 2012, they were given to us. 

First is Kokoschka ( Her original name was Harley ) She is Vladimir's half sister. I'm not sure which parent, however, I think it may be the father. In which case, they are both half German. ^_^ Her morph Chocolate Harlequin ( I would guess, I'm not sure, though. )

And last, but not least, is Saphira. ( Orig. Sapphira ) She too, is a Tiger Flame. Due to her tailess-ness we sometimes ( Actually quite often ) call her 'Duck Butt' cause it looks, well, like a duck's tail feathers. 

And, well, technically here is the eighth gecko, though I can't call it my own. It's my brother, Al's and his girlfriends. They got him around the same time we received Kokoschka and Saphira. As you can see, he is tiny, at the time of this photo, he weighed less than 4 grams. All the other geckos at the time of these pictures ( Save Sauron ) weigh more than 20 grams. Kokoschka and Illeash weighed more than 30 gram, possibly around 40 grams. 

And there they are :3 my babies, haha. I love them so much and I plan on expanding my collection as soon as I move out of my house ( Mom says the limit is 9, *sigh* but that means I can keep one egg from Illeash, one from Ozzy and maybe one from another. :P

A Second Blog.

Hi :) I’m also doing a blog dedicated to animals- all sorts of animals. My pets, animals I find interesting… Everything :D 

I’m pretty sure I can count them as my passion. From the time I was three, until just last year I had high goals to be a Veterinarian. I wanted nothing to do with any other career path; that is until I went on a job shadow to a Veterinary Office.
All was going well until we were allowed in to see a surgery in which a male dog was getting spayed. Let me just say one thing. Do NOT lock your knees! I passed out in the middle of the surgery. Two other people were with me- I was so embarrassed. But it’s alright, they only guy did the same thing as me ^_^
I think it was mostly the sound and the smells, not to mention I hadn’t really felt well the night before. But it made me realize maybe it wasn’t the career path for me. So, even though I maybe shouldn’t be a vet, that doesn’t keep me from loving animals.

 I pretty much can say that I have eight pets right now, seven of which are Crested Geckos (Rhacodactylus Cilliatus) and then my dog, Angel.